I was just out running this morning and thought of how I characterize my approach to our house, and pretty much my life. I think my new mantra is "Better, not perfect."
There's still a bunch of unpainted trim in the house, the floors need refinishing, the sunroom needs painting, the yard needs tending and the basement is a wreck. I'll never be one of those women with cute laundry rooms and sparkling kitchens and windows that never get dirty.
But we have brought an old house back to life and enjoy every minute of living here. Beyond the physical improvements, there is something really special to us about taking over the house from someone who owned it for 50 years and raised four kids here. I'd like to think we're doing right by her.
So the house is definitely not perfect, but it is better. I am going to really try to remember that when I'm flipping through Pinterest photos and lamenting my lack of motivation to get moving on the myriad little things that need to be done around here. For all the good social media does, it's also a breeding ground for jealousy and inferiority, two things I struggle with enough as it is.
Anyway, sorry to get all philosophical on your asses. I've gotten some super fun stuff thrifting these last couple of weeks, and I hope to get some photos up on the blog tomorrow. Have a great Saturday! I hope it's sunny and beautiful wherever you are!
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